Sunday, January 26, 2020
Ireland Building Costs Shipping Container House vs House
Ireland Building Costs Shipping Container House vs House Chapter 1 An outline of aim and objectives. A review of the research undertaken by others. An outline of what will be discussed throughout the thesis. 1.1 Thesis Structure Chapter One Introduction This section introduces the thesis topic, outlines aims and objectives and briefly explains the current housing situation in Dublin. Chapter Two Literature Review The chapter provides the background of shipping containers and review of development examples made of shipping containers around the world. Chapter Three Research Methodology This section demonstrates the research strategy that have been used by the author to obtain relevant information and how these findings will be used to Also research limitations are mentioned in this section. Chapter Four Presentation of research findings This chapter presents data received from available sources. Chapter Five Analysis of research findings This section focus on analysis and comparison of data received. Chapter Six Conclusions and Recommendations This chapter will conclude the study by summarising all findings and data which allow the author to draw conclusions and make recommendations based on findings readdressing them to the aim and objectives. Chapter 2 This section consists of an account of published articles and papers. Available literature is related to shipping containers and current housing situation in Dublin. The chapter provides the background of shipping containers, which may be a possible solution for emergency accommodation in Dublin. Literature review starts with the history of shipping containers. Then it overviews the different uses of shipping containers, strength and weaknesses, their availability, as well as a review of development examples made of shipping containers around the world. Chapter 3 This chapter explains the research design and methodology undertaken for this study. To create a structured and well-ordered thesis an author created the research diagram which demonstrate the whole process of research and where it could lead. Empty bubbles show the possibilities that may occur during the further data collection and research. The original image is included in the Appendix section. The research area, an author is focusing, has not been researched previously, in terms of an Irish perspective. Therefore finding data for the thesis will have to be interpreted through investigation of existing data, and based on the examples from other countries. 3.1 Research question The study aims to answer whether shipping containers are suitable for emergency accommodation as an alternative to other types of housing solutions. 3.2 Research process To achieve the aim of that study, following areas have to be investigated: The background of shipping containers. Segregate two concepts: home and emergency accommodation Determine the meaning of temporary accommodation. Determine the meaning of home. Investigate of current housing situation in Dublin in terms of the housing supply, demand and rental prices. To determine emergency housing providers in Dublin Compare the building cost of providing traditional housing vs. shipping container housing. Investigate social acceptance of shipping container houses. In order to achieve the objectives of this study the necessary methods of research were identified. Author chooses to use primary (e-survey, case study) and secondary methods or research. 3.3 Primary research There are many types of primary research which consists of surveys, interviews, observations, analysis, etc. during which data is collected from the real world. For this thesis author chooses, e-survey questionnaire and case study analysis. 3.3.1 Survey questionnaire The one of the primary research method is survey questionnaire when information is collected from the individuals through their responses to the questions designed in relation to studys research. Fink (2003) believes that questionnaire surveys would be one of the best methods in collecting data on the observations, attitudes, feelings, experiences or opinions. Questionnaire surveys may not be feasible and reliable, however, it was decided to use this method to investigate social acceptance of shipping container houses. The target audience have not been chosen as author expected to receive unbiased opinion from a variety of respondents. E-survey questionnaire included ten questions. They were drafted and posted online. Fifty responses have been received so far. Also the same questions have been sent by email to selected professionals who are working in the areas such as housing, social housing, planning and development, urban economy, charity housing organizations and are directly related to the thesis topic. 3.3.2 Case study Case study method is comprehensive as it can use many approaches for data collection. A case-study approach has been chosen to investigate and overview an existing development projects around the world.Ãâà 3.4 Secondary research The secondary research consists of data and information collected from existing sources, such as journals, text books, websites, company and government reports and publications (Creswell, 2007). Hence, sources mentioned above were used to gather available information which was directly related to the thesis topic. For this study author uses available literature review and online sources. 3.4.1 Literature review To obtain the information for this study relevant literature relating to containers background and existing developments around the world were reviewed. An extensive search for literature was undertaken of previous thesis and dissertations, journals, reports and related websites. The sources of literature are evident in the references. The literature review was a method of learning such as author examined the literature which has been wrote and analysed by others (professionals, scholars, experts). Secondary research was essential in completing the literature review chapter as it was guidance towards further information sources to complete this study. This led in to investigation of further topics such as determination the meaning of home and emergency accommodation; investigation of the current housing supply, demand and rental prices in Dublin; determination of emergency housing providers in Dublin. 3.4.2 Online sources The most information required was freely available from the websites. However, the internet is vast but extremely disorganized source of information. To use it effectively, we must be able to formulate a search strategy using appropriate keywords (How at al., 2005). Keywords used for the research were: emergency accommodation, shipping container houses, shipping container prices, shipping container house manufacturers, construction costs, Irish housing market, supply, demand, accommodation for rent/for sale, meaning of home, homelessness, etc. Shipping container suppliers and shipping container house manufacturers were contacted by email in relation to shipping containers cost and construction costs of shipping containers houses. 3.5 Expected Outcomes Through the research author expects to rationalise why shipping container houses are not used in Irish construction industry while they are widely used in other countries; highlight advantages and disadvantages of shipping container houses; to find an answer if demand of emergency accommodation meets supply; in other words if there is a shortage of that type of emergency accommodation in Dublin. It is also important to get to know the social acceptance of shipping container houses (positive or negative). 3.6 Limitations The main objective of this study is to compare of traditional house building cost against shipping container house building cost. However, those two units cannot be compared directly as it is usually done in a property market valuation, when properties with similar parameters (size, location, condition, etc.) are compared to calculate its market value, rental value, capital value and etc. The layout of units is seen as limitation in terms of comparison as well. Such as units are so unlike that there is no basis for comparison. Therefore author decided to concentrate on the shipping container house which is close by size to minimum requirements allowed in Ireland and compare it with traditional house multiplying the same size (considering that shipping container is in a same size as traditional house unit) per price per sq metre. Such as there are only two shipping container houses in Ireland, thus large data set analysis is not currently possible because costs are not disclosed. Analysis must be limited and rely on projects from around the world that are available for review. Therefore, methodology of research primarily relies upon literature review, questionnaire survey, case studies and financial analysis of available construction data. For this reason, author decided rely on shipping container housing prices in UK. Costs in pounds will be converted to Euros in accordance with the relevant exchange rate. Another difficulty is to obtain the most up to dated statistical data that relates to the current housing market such as supply and demand. In this case, for example, some papers are issued once a year, so the information is old enough. However, data obtained is going to be used with assumptions that population growth would be faster than delivery of required accommodation. Thus, demand for housing will continue to increase and consequently demand for emergency housing will stay high. Chapter 4 4.1 Current housing situation in Dublin in terms of the housing supply, demand and rental prices. Dublins housing stock has 535,000 properties. 3,619 properties were listed for sale last year in Dublin which is 7.7% less than previous year, according to MyHome (2016). SCSI (2017) believes that activity levels were decreased due to Central Bank mortgage lending restrictions which are not conductive to the first-time buyers and also UKs decision to leave the EU. However, demand for housing will remain high due to changed household structures and increased demand for single person households (RIAI, 2016). Dublin experiences insufficient supply to meet growing demand which is caused by rapid population growth and fast decline of unemployment (CIF, 2016; Duffy at al, 2016). As a result lack of supply supported the rise in house prices, therefore more people who wish to buy a home, but cannot afford it are forced to continue to rent (My Home, 2017). Moreover this may intensify pressure on social housing increasing the social housing waiting list, put upward pressure on rents and force some people into homelessness (CIF, 2016; Duffy at al, 2016). Residential property values in the Dublin Region increased by 64.7% since 2013 and is forecasted to grow further by 6.6% in 2017. Key factors that play role for positive growth were the shortage in new house builds, increased employment rates; an improvement in mortgage lending and finance availability; improved consumer confidence and economic stability (SCSI, 2017). p18 Research shows that average couple-nurse, Garda, teacher or civil servants with 5 years experience-are unable to secure a mortgage for average priced house in housing market (CIF, 2016; Duffy at al, 2016). The same factors mentioned before play role for Private Rented Sector (PRS) which according to (McCartney, 2017) is growing. Since Q1 2011 the number of people in PRS- Private Rented Sector increased by 107,500 in Dublin (McCartney, 2017). The total number of tenancies registered with RTB in Q4 2016 stands at 325,375 and represents 705,465 occupants (RTB, 2017) Between September and December of previous year 2016 rents rose by an average of 13.5% and now are 14% higher than in the 2008. An average rental prices in Dublin are demonstrated in the table and chart below: Average rent Y-on-Y change North City à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà 1,529 14.4% City Centre à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà 1,655 15.5% South City à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà 1,763 13.9% North County à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà 1,375 14.9% South County à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà 1,855 14.2% West County à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà Ãâà 1,446 13.9% Availability of properties increased by 200 in Dublin and almost 1,600 properties were available to rent on the 1st February 2017 (Lyons, 2016) Nearly 20,000 households were qualified for social housing support in 2016 (Housing Agency, 2016). However, the current stock of social housing is insufficient to satisfied social housing need (ICSH, 2016). To all the factors influence housing market in Dublin mentioned above, there is also the number of vacant dwellings which represents an inefficient use of valuable resources and makes negative impact on local areas and communities. Census 2016 records 35,000 vacant dwellings in Dublin (Housing Agency, 2017). To satisfied social housing need in July of 2016 Government launched an ambitious plan to provide housing nationally. During six years 47,000 new social houses and 25,000 new units (yearly) have to be built (SCSI, 2017). During 2015 there were only 12,600 new houses built instead of 21,000 (ICI, 2016). Currently, Dublin city region experiences shortfall of 35,242 homes (Housing Agency, 2017). But despite of that development activity is growing every year as demonstrated in Table below Planning Permissions in Dublin region 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 -57% 77% -8% 129% 27% Some of 12,388 housing units were granted with planning permission in the 2016 (CIS, 2016) According to Housing Agency, (2017a) Dublin City Region will require 33,109 new homes during 2016-2020. Their analysis shows that annual average of required houses is 6,600 per annum over the period to 2020. 4.2 Segregation of two concepts: home and emergency accommodation Very often people do not fully understand the meaning of home and meaning of emergency accommodation. They are confused of those two concepts. Therefore author thinks that those two concepts have to be clearly explained to the reader. 4.2.1 The meaning of home All of us even the truly homeless live somewhere and each therefore stands in some relation to land as owner-occupier, tenant, licensee or squatter (Gray, and Symes, 1983). There is no a straight or single answer what does home means. The answer is very complex and multidimensional. First of all home is physical structure which provides privacy, comfort, safety, continuity and permanence. Home also represents the success, family wealth so it can be considered as a financial investment which can be accumulated and then passed on to future generations as inheritance. But again, home is not only financial asset. It could be seen as identity and self-identity which relates to the deep emotional meaning and particularly memories tided to the places where we live. And it can be a place for self-expression (Gray, and Symes, 1983; Stern, 2009; Fox, 2013). Home means different things to different people. Furthermore, the meanings that home represents to an occupier may change over their life course (Fox, 2006). 4.2.2 The meaning of emergency accommodation The role of emergency accommodation is to provide short-term accommodation for people who are homeless or those who are in crisis. In other words, it could help people who are sleeping on the street; those who are in danger of being hurt in their own homes (experiencing domestic violence), or those who are evicted from home and have no place where to stay until new permanent place to live will be found. Emergency Accommodation includes apartments, private houses and BBs, hostels and hotels. Emergency housing provides only basic necessities, such as a place to sleep, shower, do laundry, get clothing, and eat or get money for food. 4.3 Reasons for Becoming Homeless There is no single reason why people become homeless. There are many causes which can be determined such as: structural causes, when people are at risk of becoming homeless due to financial crisis that causes poverty, unemployment, and lack of good quality, affordable housing; Institutional Causes, touches those people who leaving prison or mental health institutions and nowhere to go to on their release/discharge; Relationship Causes; Personal Causes, when person is addictive to the alcohol or/and drug use, mental illness, learning difficulties. People with combination of these factors are the most vulnerable part of society and in most cases become homeless. 4.4 An overview of the current situation in Dublin in terms of emergency accommodation 1007 families with 2026 dependents were registered as homeless in the first month of 2017in Dublin region. 764 families with 1551 dependents were accommodated in hotels and 243 families with 495 dependents in homeless accommodation (DRHE, 2017). Table below shows the number of individuals in Emergency Accommodation. Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Homeless adults 2678 2692 2750 2806 2767 2871 2922 2950 2988 3036 3021 3162 3247 Adults (no dependents) 1636 1629 1618 1618 1549 1601 1591 1612 1631 1660 1656 1780 1894 Families 769 790 839 888 913 939 993 998 1014 1026 1023 1028 1007 Single parent 496 517 546 588 608 608 655 658 671 676 678 674 661 Couple 273 273 293 300 305 331 338 340 343 350 345 354 346 Number of dependents 1570 1616 1723 1786 1847 1894 2020 2012 2065 2110 2110 2096 2046 There are approximately 3000 beds available in emergency accommodation in Dublin region. The chart below demonstrates the number of empty beds in emergency accommodation during Christmas and the New Year period. There are few reasons in relation to increased vacancy. One of the reasons is the provision of significant number of additional new beds; another reason is that some people do not use any other form of shelter they only accept to sleep rough; some of them combine rough sleeping with access to emergency accommodation (DRHE, 2016). Figure 9 Despite of that, in winter 2016 there were discovered 142 persons sleeping rough which represents an increase of 51 persons in comparison with winter 2015 The majority of sleeping rough are those of aged between 31and 40 which accounts for 38%, 27% were aged 18- 30 and another 27% aged 41-50, aged 51 years and over represent remaining 8%. Chart below demonstrates the number of adults discovered sleeping rough on the night of the rough sleeping count which took place on the night of 22nd November 2016 (DRHE, 2016). 4.5 Minimum floor areas and standards for the accommodation of single person Every type of building and its surroundings must provide safety and welfare for people. Therefore all developments should be built in accordance with the prescribed National Guidelines. The minimum requirements are set out in 12 parts which are classified as Parts A to M (DHPCLG, 2017). Table below is created to demonstrate minimum size requirements for one bedroom apartment and studio flat (ESLG, 2015). Minimum overall apartment floor areas Studio 40 sq m One bedroom 45 sq m Table Source: 4.6 Building costs of shipping container house Container homes are built out of new purpose built and highly secure steel units and include living spaces, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms. For an additional 30-40% cost container houses can be built to meet UK building control regulations. Example of container home sizes and prices provided by manufacturer Size in feets Size in Sq m Description Sterlings Euros Appendix 20 x 8 14.90 single unit container home à £11,995 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬13785 Plan 1 24 x 10 22.30 double unit container homes à £16,995 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬19531 Plan 2 30 x 10 27.87 single unit container home à £19,995 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬22979 Plan 3 40 x 10 37.16 double bedroom container home à £22,995 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬26426 Plan 4 40 x 12 44.59 double bedroom container home à £24,995 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬24,995 Plan 5 4.7 Building costs of traditional house Author uses house building costs produced by the Quantity Surveying Professional Group of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI).Ãâà The Society of Chartered Surveyors analysed a number of live house building projects in the Greater Dublin Area. Extensive and detailed study has been done on the 30 units that were under construction in late 2015 and early 2016. Chartered Quantity Surveyors analysed all cost inputs. For the comparison purposes only hard costs were taken into consideration for this study, where the figures assume structure (traditional strip foundation on good bearing soil); superstructure (timber or block work frame, render finish, tiled roof, insulated to 2011 Part L); completion (double glazed windows; paint grade softwood doors, skirting window boards internally); finishes (paint finished walls, tiling to bath and shower rooms); fittings (Fitted kitchen c/w Formica w/t; wardrobe to main all bedrooms (no appliances)); Services (including Sanitary ware, rainwater, solar panel, heat recovery, condensing boiler and radiator, plastic fittings and pendants throughout for electricity, wired for alarm). Any other costs such as site preparation, VAT, professional fees, land acquisition and development costs, finance costs were excluded. Hard costs according to SCSI research is à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬1084 per square metre.Author excluded from comparison smaler size units and took into account only units that are close to building requirements. As was mentioned in section 4.4 minimum overall floor areas are for studio flat 40 sq m and one bedroom apartment 45 sq m. Size in Sq m Description Euros Appendix 37.16 double bedroom traditional home à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬40,281 Plan 4 44.59 double bedroom traditional home à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬48,336 Plan 5 4.8 Survey questionnaire 4.9 Case studies Chapter 5 In this chapter I am going to analyse all of the data found through my research. And I would try to establish the link between literature and data collected. First, it focused exclusively on single person accommodation. 5.1 Shipping container house versus traditiona
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Host Chapter 50: Sacrificed
The Seeker scrutinized my face while Mel and I fought. No, Wanda, no! Don't be stupid, Mel. You of all people should see the potential of this choice. Isn't this what you want? But even as I tried to look at the happy ending, I couldn't escape the horror of this choice. This was the secret I should die to protect. The information I'd been desperate to keep safe no matter what hideous torture I was put through. This was not the kind of torture I'd expected: a personal crisis of conscience, confused and complicated by love for my human family. Very painful, nevertheless. I could not claim to be an expatriate if I did this. No, I would be purely a traitor. Not for her, Wanda! Not for her! Mel howled. Should I wait? Wait until they catch another soul? An innocent soul whom I have no reason to hate? I'll have to make the decision sometime. Not now! Wait! Think about this! My stomach rolled again, and I had to hunch my body forward and take a deep breath. I just managed not to gag. ââ¬Å"Wanda?â⬠Jeb called in concern. I could do it, Mel. I could justify letting her die if she was one of those innocent souls. I could let them kill her then. I could trust myself to make an objective decision. But she's horrible, Wanda! We hate her! Exactly. And I can't trust myself. Look at how I almost didn't see the answerâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å"Wanda, you all right?â⬠The Seeker glared past me, toward Jeb's voice. ââ¬Å"Fine, Jeb,â⬠I gasped. My voice was breathy, strained. I was surprised at how bad it sounded. The Seeker's dark eyes flickered between us, unsure. Then she recoiled from me, cringing into the wall. I recognized the pose-remembered exactly how it felt to hold it. A gentle hand came down on my shoulder and spun me around. ââ¬Å"What's going on with you, hon?â⬠Jeb asked. ââ¬Å"I need a minute,â⬠I told him breathlessly. I looked straight into his faded-denim eyes and told him something that was most definitely not a lie. ââ¬Å"I have one more question. But I really need a minute to myself. Can youâ⬠¦ wait for me?â⬠ââ¬Å"Sure, we can wait a little while more. Take a breather.â⬠I nodded and walked as quickly as I could from the prison. My legs were stiff with terror at first, but I found my stride as I moved. By the time I passed Aaron and Brandt, I was almost running. ââ¬Å"What happened?â⬠I heard Aaron whisper to Brandt, his voice bewildered. I wasn't sure where to hide while I thought. My feet, like a shuttle on automatic pilot, took me through the corridors toward my sleeping room. I could only hope that it would be empty. It was dark, barely any light from the stars trickling down through the cracked ceiling. I didn't see Lily till I tripped over her in the darkness. I almost didn't recognize her tear-swollen face. She was curled into a tight, tiny ball on the floor in the middle of the passageway. Her eyes were wide, not quite comprehending who I was. ââ¬Å"Why?â⬠she asked me. I stared at her wordlessly. ââ¬Å"I said that life and love go on. But why do they? They shouldn't. Not anymore. What's the point?â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't know, Lily. I'm not sure what the point is.â⬠ââ¬Å"Why?â⬠she asked again, not speaking to me anymore. Her glassy eyes looked right through me. I stepped carefully past her and hurried to my room. I had my own question that had to be answered. To my great relief, the room was empty. I threw myself facedown on the mattress where Jamie and I slept. When I'd told Jeb I had one more question, that was the truth. But the question was not for the Seeker. The question was for me. The question was would I-not could I-do it? I could save the Seeker's life. I knew how. It would not endanger any of the lives here. Except my own. I would have to trade that. No. Melanie tried to be firm through her panic. Please let me think. No. This is the thing, Mel. It's inevitable anyway. I can see that now. I should have seen it long ago. It's so obvious. No, it isn't. I remembered our conversation when Jamie was ill. When we were making up. I'd told her that I wouldn't erase her and that I was sorry that I couldn't give her more than that. It wasn't so much a lie as it was an unfinished sentence. I couldn't give her more than that-and stay alive myself. The actual lie had been given to Jared. I'd told him, just seconds later, that I didn't know how to make myself not exist. In the context of our discussion, it was true. I didn't know how to fade away, here inside Melanie. But I was surprised I hadn't heard the obvious lie right then, hadn't seen in that moment what I was seeing now. Of course I knew how to make myself not exist. It was just that I had never considered that option viable, ultimate betrayal that it was to every soul on this planet. Once the humans knew that I had this answer, the one they had murdered for over and over again, it would cost me. No, Wanda! Don't you want to be free? A long pause. I wouldn't ask you for this, she finally said. And I wouldn't do it for you. And I sure as hell wouldn't do it for the Seeker! You don't have to ask. I think I might have volunteeredâ⬠¦ eventually. Why do you think that? she demanded, her tone close to a sob. It touched me. I expected her to be elated. In part because of them. Jared and Jamie. I can give them the whole world, everything they want. I can give them you. I probably would have realized thatâ⬠¦ someday. Who knows? Maybe Jared would have asked. You know I wouldn't have said no. Ian's right. You're too self-sacrificing. You don't have any limits. You need limits, Wanda! Ah, Ian, I moaned. A new pain twisted through me, surprisingly close to my heart. You'll take the whole world away from him. Everything he wants. It would never work with Ian. Not in this body, even though he loves it. It doesn't love him. Wanda, Iâ⬠¦ Melanie struggled for words. Still, the joy I expected from her did not come. Again, this touched me. I don't think I can let you do this. You're more important than that. In the bigger picture, you are of much more value to them than I am. You can help them; you can save them. I can't do any of that. You have to stay. I can't see any other way, Mel. I wonder how I didn't see it sooner. It seems so completely obvious. Of course I have to go. Of course I have to give you yourself back. I already knew we souls were wrong to come here. So I don't have any choice now but to do the right thing, and leave. You all survived without me before; you'll do it again. You've learned so much about the souls from me-you'll help them. Can't you see? This is the happy ending. It's the way they all need the story to finish. I can give them hope. I can give themâ⬠¦ not a future. Maybe not that. But as much as I can. Everything I can. No, Wanda, no. She was crying, becoming incoherent. Her sorrow brought tears to my eyes. I'd no idea that she cared so much for me. Almost as much as I cared for her. I hadn't realized that we loved each other. Even if Jared had never asked me for this, even if Jared did not existâ⬠¦ Once this path had occurred to me, I would have had to proceed down it. I loved her that much. No wonder the success rate for resistant hosts was so low here on Earth. Once we learned to love our human host, what hope did we souls have? We could not exist at the expense of one we loved. Not a soul. A soul could not live that way. I rolled myself over and, in the starlight, I looked at my body. My hands were dirty and scratched, but under the surface blemishes, they were beautiful. The skin was a pretty sun-browned color; even bleached in the pale light, it was pretty. The nails were chewed short but still healthy and smooth, with little half moons of white at the bases. I fluttered my fingers, watching the muscles pull the bones in graceful patterns. I let them dance above me, where they became black fluid shapes against the stars. I ran them through my hair. It was almost to my shoulders now. Mel would like that. After a few weeks of shampoo in hotel showers and Health vitamins, it was glossy and soft again. I stretched my arms out as far as they would go, tugging against the tendons until some of my joints cracked. My arms felt strong. They could pull me up a mountainside, they could carry a heavy load, they could plow a field. But they were also soft. They could hold a child, they could comfort a friend, they could loveâ⬠¦ but that was not for me. I took a deep breath, and tears welled out of the corners of my eyes and rolled down my temples into my hair. I tensed the muscles in my legs, felt their ready strength and speed. I wanted to run, to have an open field that I could race across just to see how fast I could go. I wanted to do this barefoot, so I could feel the earth beneath my feet. I wanted to feel the wind fly through my hair. I wanted it to rain, so that I could smell it in the air as I ran. My feet flexed and pointed slowly, to the rhythm of my breathing. In and out. Flex and point. It felt nice. I traced my face with my fingertips. They were warm on my skin, skin that was smooth and pretty. I was glad I was giving Melanie her face back the way it had been. I closed my eyes and stroked my eyelids. I'd lived in so many bodies, but never one I loved like this. Never one that I craved in this way. Of course, this would be the one I'd have to give up. The irony made me laugh, and I concentrated on the feel of the air that popped in little bubbles from my chest and up through my throat. Laughter was like a fresh breeze-it cleaned its way through the body, making everything feel good. Did other species have such a simple healer? I couldn't remember one. I touched my lips and remembered how it felt to kiss Jared, and how it felt to kiss Ian. Not everyone got to kiss so many other beautiful bodies. I'd had more than some, even in this short time. It was just so short! Maybe a year now, I wasn't completely sure. Just one quick revolution of a blue green planet around an unexceptional yellow star. The shortest life of any I'd ever lived. The shortest, the most important, the most heartbreaking of lives. The life that would forever define me. The life that had finally tied me to one star, to one planet, to one small family of strangers. A little more timeâ⬠¦ would that be so wrong? No, Mel whispered. Just take a little more time. You never know how much time you'll have, I whispered back. But I did. I knew exactly how much time I had. I couldn't take any more time. My time was up. I was going anyway. I had to do the right thing, be my true self, with what time I had left. With a sigh that seemed to come all the way from the soles of my feet and the palms of my hands, I got up. Aaron and Brandt wouldn't wait forever. And now I had a few more questions that I needed answered. This time, the questions were for Doc. The caves were full of sad, cast-down eyes. It was easy enough to slip unobtrusively past them all. No one cared what I was doing right now, except maybe Jeb, Brandt, and Aaron, and they weren't here. I didn't have an open, rainy field, but at least I had the long south tunnel. It was too dark to run flat out the way I wanted, but I kept up a steady jog. It felt good as my muscles warmed. I expected I would find Doc already there, but I'd wait if I had to. He would be alone. Poor Doc, that was usually the case now. Doc had been sleeping alone in his hospital since the night we'd saved Jamie's life. Sharon had taken her things from their room and moved them to her mother's, and Doc wouldn't sleep in the empty room. Such a great hatred. Sharon would rather kill her own happiness, and Doc's, too, than forgive him for helping me heal Jamie. Sharon and Maggie were barely a presence in the caves anymore. They looked past everyone now, the way they used to look past only me. I wondered if that would change when I was gone, or if they were both so rigid in their grudge that it would be too late for them to change. What an extraordinarily stupid way to waste time. For the first time ever, the south tunnel felt short. Before I thought I'd gone halfway, I could see Doc's light glowing dimly from the rough arch ahead. He was home. I slowed myself to a walk before I interrupted him. I didn't want to scare him, to make him think there was an emergency. He was still startled when I appeared, a little breathless, in the stone doorway. He jumped up from behind his desk. The book he was reading fell out of his hands. ââ¬Å"Wanda? Is something wrong?â⬠ââ¬Å"No, Doc,â⬠I reassured him. ââ¬Å"Everything's fine.â⬠ââ¬Å"Does someone need me?â⬠ââ¬Å"Just me.â⬠I gave him a weak smile. He walked around his desk to meet me, his eyes wide with curiosity. He paused half a step away and raised one eyebrow. His long face was gentle, the opposite of alarming. It was hard to remember how he'd looked like a monster to me before. ââ¬Å"You are a man of your word,â⬠I began. He nodded and opened his mouth to speak, but I held one hand up. ââ¬Å"No one will ever test that more than I will test it now,â⬠I warned him. He waited, eyes confused and wary. I took a deep breath, felt it expand my lungs. ââ¬Å"I know how to do what you've been ending so many lives to discover. I know how to take the souls from your bodies without harm to either. Of course I know that. We all have to, in case of an emergency. I even performed the emergency procedure once, when I was a Bear.â⬠I stared at him, waiting for his response. It took him a long moment, and his eyes grew wilder every second. ââ¬Å"Why are you telling me this?â⬠he finally gasped. ââ¬Å"Because Iâ⬠¦ I am going to give you the knowledge you need.â⬠I held up my hand again. ââ¬Å"But only if you will give me what I want in return. I'm warning you right now, it won't be any easier for you to give me what I want than it will be for me to give you what you want.â⬠His face was fiercer than I'd ever seen it. ââ¬Å"Name your terms.â⬠ââ¬Å"You can't kill them-the souls you remove. You must give me your word-your promise, your oath, your vow-that you will give them safe conduct on to another life. This means some danger; you will have to have cryotanks, and you will have to get those souls onto shuttles off-planet. You have to send them to another world to live. But they won't be able to hurt you. By the time they reach their next planet, your grandchildren will be dead.â⬠Would my conditions mitigate my guilt in this? Only if Doc could be trusted. He was thinking very hard as I explained. I watched his face to see what he would make of my demand. He didn't look angry, but his eyes were still wild. ââ¬Å"You don't want us to kill the Seeker?â⬠he guessed. I didn't answer his question because he wouldn't understand the answer; I did want them to kill her. That was the whole problem. Instead, I explained further. ââ¬Å"She'll be the first, the test. I want to make sure, while I'm still here, that you're going to follow through. I will do the separation myself. When she is safe, I'll teach you how it's done.â⬠ââ¬Å"On who?â⬠ââ¬Å"Kidnapped souls. The same as before. I can't guarantee you that the human minds will come back. I don't know if the erased can return. We'll see with the Seeker.â⬠Doc blinked, processing something. ââ¬Å"What do you mean, while you are still here? Are you leaving?â⬠I stared at him, waiting for the realization to hit. He stared back, uncomprehending. ââ¬Å"Don't you realize what I'm giving you?â⬠I whispered. Finally, comprehension slammed home in his expression. I spoke quickly, before he could. ââ¬Å"There's something else I'm going to ask you for, Doc. I don't want toâ⬠¦ I won't be shipped off to another planet. This is my planet, it truly is. And yet, there's really no place for me here. Soâ⬠¦ I know it mightâ⬠¦ offend some of the others. Don't tell them if you think they won't allow it. Lie if you have to. But I'd like to be buried by Walt and Wes. Can you do that for me? I won't take up much space.â⬠I smiled weakly again. No! Melanie was howling. No, no, no, noâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å"No, Wanda,â⬠Doc objected, too, with a shocked expression. ââ¬Å"Please, Doc,â⬠I whispered, wincing against the protest in my head, which was getting louder. ââ¬Å"I don't think Wes or Walt will mind.â⬠ââ¬Å"That's not what I meant! I can't kill you, Wanda. Ugh! I'm so sick of death, so sick of killing my friends.â⬠Doc's voice caught in a sob. I put my hand on his thin arm, rubbed it. ââ¬Å"People die here. It happens.â⬠Kyle had said something to that effect. Funny that I should quote Kyle of all people twice in one night. ââ¬Å"What about Jared and Jamie?â⬠Doc asked in a choked voice. ââ¬Å"They'll have Melanie. They'll be fine.â⬠ââ¬Å"Ian?â⬠Through my teeth. ââ¬Å"Better off without me.â⬠Doc shook his head, wiping at his eyes. ââ¬Å"I need to think about this, Wanda.â⬠ââ¬Å"We don't have long. They won't wait forever before they kill the Seeker.â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't mean about that part. I agree to those terms. But I don't think I can kill you.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's all or none, Doc. You have to decide right now. Andâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I realized I had one more demand. ââ¬Å"And you can't tell anyone else about the last part of our agreement. No one. Those are my terms, take them or leave them. Do you want to know how to remove a soul from a human body?â⬠Doc shook his head again. ââ¬Å"Let me think.â⬠ââ¬Å"You already know the answer, Doc. This is what you've been searching for.â⬠He just kept shaking his head slowly back and forth. I ignored that symbol of denial because we both knew his choice was made. ââ¬Å"I'll get Jared,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"We'll make a quick raid for cryotanks. Hold off the others. Tell themâ⬠¦ tell them the truth. Tell them I'm going to help you get the Seeker out of that body.ââ¬
Friday, January 10, 2020
Intercultural communicaton analysis Essay
The life of every personality is deeply affected by a myriad of intercultural affiliations that affect a personââ¬â¢s ability to interact with other people and be seen by them from a specific viewpoint. Intercultural communication is likely to be particularly affected by cultural stereotypes. Therefore, each personââ¬â¢s life is shaped to a great degree by cross-cultural perceptions and co-cultural affiliations. In my personal case, I have a variety of cultural affiliations that have a direct influence on my life. In the first place, a lot of facets of my experience depend on my physical characteristics, such as my female gender. Being of that gender, I have a different kind of experience with other people, as it seems easier to bond with girls than with boys on certain subjects, and some aspects of physical work and sports are naturally harder for me because of my weaker constitution. In addition to gender, my life is also impacted by my ethnic origin and religious tradition. Being Turkish and Muslim, I tend to follow the rules and norms prescribed by our faith. Thus, I pray five times a day, observe the Ramadan, and attend meetings in the local mosque. As a result, my lifestyle puts me in contact with a lot of Muslims who constitute my immediate circle of communication. In communication with other cultural and religious groups, I have to recognize that my principles and habits are different from most people. Many of my peers, for instance, find it strange that I do not eat or drink by daylight for the entire month of Ramadan. This makes me pause and explain to them the significance of the fast and what it means to me as a Muslim. Being Muslim does not in itself give an exhaustive description of my cultural identity since I have also been exposed to a number of other cultural influences. I am Turkish, and our culture differs in many ways from that of Arabic countries or that of Iran. In addition, I speak English as a second language and went to a French high school. Thus, for me, as for many of my younger countrymen, European cultural influences proved a great impact. I have been watching European movies and read European books since childhood. Knowing English, I was also exposed to the US cultural influence, watching Hollywood blockbusters and interacting with American peers. Belonging to a certain category, one is always an easy target for stereotypes. Thus, it so happened that I am an only child, so many believe that I am spoiled. In a talk with a classmate at school, I had to give examples of household chores that I do at home to dispel his notion of my being utterly ââ¬Å"spoiledâ⬠. He only believed me after I told him how I could cook myself the whole dinner for the family at the age of 10. On the other hand, communicating with older people, I have to correct their understanding of college students as spoiled, rough, and careless. Sometimes, I feel as if these qualities are attributed to me by default simply because young people are portrayed in this way in a variety of movies. I try to combat this stereotype by taking time to talk to them at length about my studies and future career plans. I think it gives them an idea that I am serious about college as a way to a better life, not just a socializing event. In this way, my life has been infused with a variety of cultural influences that made me the person I am. At times, it can be difficult to balance many of them, such commitment to my faith with realities of college life here in the US. However, I do my best to try and find a sound approach that will dispel stereotypes and allow me to retain my unique identity. Reference Neuliep, J. W. (2000). Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach. Houghton Mifflin.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Analysis Of Othello By William Shakespeare - 1505 Words
Quanisha Taylor Dr. Traylor English 1102 16 November 2015 Sadistic Motives In William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play Othello Iago has the ability to charm and convince people of his loyalty and honesty. Iago immediately introduced his malicious desire for revenge, but he had no proven reason for his actions. Throughout the play Iago devises a devious plan to convince the other characters of his cunning contrivance. Iago treats others as the fool with no intentions of caring about their feelings. Behind his deceitful trustworthy appearance, Iago is a multilayered manipulative villain. He manipulates the people around him by using their weaknesses against them. Roderigo, Cassio, Othello, and Emilia all have fallen for Iagoââ¬â¢s tricks of manipulation and even mind control. In the beginning of the play, Iago explains how he wants to destroy Othello because he gave the position of lieutenant to Cassio. Therefore, Iago comes up with many discreet plans against Othello throughout the course of the play. He manipulates Othello using his own insecurities against him. Consequently, Othello becomes extremely gullible to Iago tricks, resulting in him being to be influenced to believe anything. So therefore, Iago piqueââ¬â¢s on Othelloââ¬â¢s insecurities invoking his jealousy. As stated in an article Omer states, ââ¬Å"Iago uses his greatest persuasive skills ever penned to manipulate Othelloâ⬠(Omer). Throughout the play, Othello known as ââ¬Å"The Moorâ⬠because of his skin color caused many people to haveShow MoreRelatedOthello Analysis : Othello By William Shakespeare1115 Words à |à 5 PagesRiley Thompson Professor Grill LIT 200 2 November 2014 Othello Analysis Assignment Othello, a play that was written in 1604 by William Shakespeare, is an example of a type of story called a ââ¬Å"tragedy.â⬠Throughout the course of the work, Othello proves himself to be very easily misled, despite his heroic status. This causes him to lose his ability to make good judgments and decisions. Even though Othello had a reputation as a hero, he ends up being one of the most gullible characters in the play whenRead MoreAnalysis Of Othello By William Shakespeare Essay2413 Words à |à 10 Pagesprocess, such as a process known as Classical Conditioning. Mind manipulation has been presented by villains throughout movies, novels, and even plays. The play Othello, written around 1603 by William Shakespeare, with the villain character Iago, is characterized as a jealous, hubris, sinister, crafty, and manipulative being. William Shakespeare has managed to write a tragic play where he used Iagoââ¬â¢s malicious words to provide early Classical Conditioning, to cloud Ot helloââ¬â¢s mind of critical thoughtsRead MoreAnalysis Of Othello By William Shakespeare1579 Words à |à 7 Pagesdiscriminated against due to your race? In Othello by William Shakespeare the theme of race is evident through out the play and is a very critical aspect towards the plot. Since Othello has a strong sense of self he is able to counter-balance the overt racism he is faced with in the beginning because he is respected and has high stature as a war general. Him and his wife lived happily without worrying what others thought of their bi-racial marriage. 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In Othello by William Shakespeare the theme of race is evident through out the play and is a very critical aspect towards the plot. Since Othello has a strong sense of self he is able to counter-balance the overt racism he is faced with in the beginning because he is respected and has high stature as a war general. Him and his wife lived happily withou t worrying what others thought of their bi-racial marriage. But, when Othello hears rumors of his wifeââ¬â¢s possibleRead MoreAnalysis Of Othello By William Shakespeare1090 Words à |à 5 Pagesyears, women have been seen as inferior and weaker than men, while men are seen as superior and stronger than women. However, the word strong doesn t measure their physical strength, but by their strength to ignore societies standards. Othello by William Shakespeare takes place during the late 16th century a time in which women didnââ¬â¢t have a voice and were expected to be obedient and chaste. 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